Thank you for sharing your beautiful self with the world. Just got a copy of your journal in the mail and can't wait to dive in! My inner critic is a jerk, so I'm hoping to create more space for positive self-talk in the future.

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Rose?! I have a tear. Thank you so much for your support of EQ- I consider you a queen of empathy and I am honored to have your attention around this kind of work. I think you received one of the first editions of the journal (there were typos!) so I will add your name to this raffle and hope that an updated copy gets into your hands!

Thank you thank you for being here.

Your inner critic does not stand a chance. <3

I love you.

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Empathy and I need to reassess our relationship & set some clear boundaries, haa! There's so much to learn. Love love LOVE everything of yours I've read/listened to so far. You really have a gift with writing (and the Augie appearances are a big bonus 🥰).

So excited for you & wherever this journey winds up taking you. The sky is the limit!

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Advocating for myself is definitely a challenge - it takes such considerable effort even for what might be simple needs. Its emotional every time as well

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Casper- this is HUGE! Thank you for sharing and I think this area to grow is a collective challenge for ALL people-pleasers.

I appreciate you bringing self-advocacy to the surface. <3

You have been added to the raffle and I wish you a day of fulfillment ahead!

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Area to grow: saying no (and not ruminating about how the person received the no, when I do)

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That is such a good area to identify and call out!! Thank you for sharing here Cassidy (I have a sister named Kassidy!)

You have been added to the raffle- cheers to more YES to YOU and No to Not You. <3

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I wish I had known you when I was growing up!!! I need this.

Your sweet explanations; your kindness. You are an inspiration.

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🥹🙏 well, lucky for me- I knew you when I was, and I have a long line of ladies (and gents) to thank for where we are today.

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Sharing my true feelings is a challenge for me, especially if I feel upset/angry. Working on being more open and honest with my close connections, but it’s hard.

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Hi Kim!

Thank you so much for being vulnerable and sharing your area of opportunity here. I think sharing our true feelings absolutely IS a challenge- you are not alone! For me, part of the challenge is actually labeling WHAT I am feeling before I can even try to share it. Identifying the emotion with a feelings wheel (included in the journal!) has helped me so much, and it's a tool I use with my son, too!

I appreciate your presence and bravery to open up with us- your name has been entered into the raffle! <3

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Hi K!! Thank you for sharing this with us!! You reminded me of so many things I've forgotten, as soon as you brought up Maslow's hierarchy my brain pulled up all the textbook images from my university days 🙃 I relearned so much just now, you triggered off a cascade in my memory banks!

Also, you're amazing and truly doing something great!! Tell that IA to kick rocks! 🖤

Now To answer your questions:

My strengths- effective listening, conflict resolution, and seeing the big picture. I feel like I'm really good at listening to people and taking in what they're saying and offering feedback based on what I hear or just being a sounding board (I am thanked for this A LOT so it must be a strength 🙃).

My areas to improve are being more vocal about my own needs. I am a constant work in progress and still have a hard time finding my words when I need something. I'm so used to doing things myself or figuring it out myself that I forget to ask for help. Typing this out loud gave me an AHA moment just now about Let the Words Fall Out!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Love you!!!

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Thank you so much for reading! I resonate to the DEPTHS of our souls with your identified Strengths & Areas to Grow!! Thank you so much for being brave and sharing here.

I can’t wait to read your next letter!

Your name has been entered into the giveaway 💌

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